Squirreling Around the Holidays!!

There's a lot of glitter on the floor these days. What is it about the wintertime that makes us think of using so much sparkle? When a child sees the magic of water falling from the sky, and icy rooftops each morning their wonderment and curiosity for the season is contagious. We all want to bring the magic and sparkle inside! 

This week we've been preparing for our holiday show. The children collaborate on how we design our backdrop and what songs we sing for the parents. The teachers are busy (well, very busy) and the buzz is definitely in the air. BUT, there is something the children are more excited about than the show.... and it's the sneaky squirrels!

Children made delicious bird feeders with peanut butter and bird seed last week. But the birds are less interested than the squirrels. The squirrels are sneaking around the playground and it is exhilarating for the children.

How lucky am I that I can hear the sweet voices of children singing Jingle Bells and their squealing laughter over the stealthy squirrels, all from my office?