Warriors... a.k.a. Moms!

I often receive calls from Moms looking for childcare. I can tell immediately that they're anxious and nervous about their decision. Most moms start the conversation with their statistics (child's name, age, temperament) I listen closely knowing how challenging it is to start the conversation with a complete stranger that supposedly knows how to care for your most precious being. First, you want me to know how precious your child is and next you want me to know how hard it will be for your baby. And this is what I say to so many mamas:

"You are so smart to take this decision so seriously. Really think about the type of care you want for your child. Come meet us and see if we fit into that image, that idea. Saying good-bye to your child hurts your heart, deeply. I understand that feeling, I've been there. Talk to your child about the new adventures they'll look forward to at school. Help them feel brave by being brave yourself. Braveness is one of the gifts school gives a child and their family. And Mama, you are brave, you are strong, and you are a warrior. You may not want to be a warrior, not everyday, but your child sees you as their greatest hero, so your decisions for their daily life are ultimately trusted by them. Your child will learn to love other adults, other children; and, at first, this may seem uncomfortable, but a day will come when your heart is so grateful as you watch your child walk with ease and confidence into the arms of his teacher. And finally, I'm on your side; come to me, talk to me, I will listen."